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    Colorful Newspaper Owl Craft for Kids

    Painted newspaper owl craft laying on a pink background with craft pom poms scattered around.

    Today I am sharing this colorful newspaper owl craft for kids that is super bright and beautiful and is perfect if you have old newspaper laying around the house. I love to make crafts with my children out of recyclable materials any chance I get! With Earth Day coming up next month it’s an especially […]

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    Puffy Newspaper Tree Craft for Earth Day

    close up image of tree craft made out of newspaper and cardboard.

    This puffy newspaper tree craft is simple, fun and absolutely gorgeous! The best part is you probably already have all of the materials you need right on hand. Win-win! One of my favorite ways to celebrate Earth Day is to spend the week making crafts from recyclable materials like newspaper and cardboard that we have […]

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    Soda Bottle Owl Craft


    A fellow blogger friend of mine recently challenged me and a few other bloggers to make a craft out of a 2-liter soda bottle. After a little inspiration that I found on Pinterest and my love for bird crafts, I decided my daughter and I would make an Owl Craft. I might have technically cheated since […]

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